Recent events in the United Kingdom have sparked legitimate and growing concerns among both Muslims and non-Muslims. These incidents follow the murder of three girls a week ago. In the aftermath, far-right organisations falsely claimed that the perpetrator was an immigrant Muslim, a claim officially refuted by the British authorities.
The Council of European Muslims is deeply concerned about these developments and their impact on social peace in Britain and other countries. Consequently, the Council:
- Condemns all acts of violence, vandalism, and targeting of individuals and property, including places that symbolise the Muslim community, such as shops and mosques.
- Demands that the British authorities seriously address issues of racism, xenophobia, and the targeting of Muslims, in addition to their efforts to address vandalism incidents. It is clear that certain political and media discourses contribute to this phenomenon.
- Calls for the professional and transparent handling of “false information” on social media, which frequently acts as a catalyst for such incidents.
- Exhorts Muslims in Britain to unite in confronting these issues and to cooperate with the broader public to defuse tensions and ease the situation. Far-right extremism poses a threat to all people.
The Council of European Muslims stands committed to promoting social harmony and condemning all forms of violence and discrimination.
Council of European Muslims (EUMUSLIMS)
August 6, 2024